All in all things went well in Mar considering the last two weeks were poker hell!!, got out of the traps flyin and felt untouchable for the first two weeks, then got a dose of reality and what tournament life is like and dropped like 150 buy-ins, hence the importance of good BR!! luckily i had bout 200 buy ins in my account.
Still finished the month up bout 1750 for my 180 mans and got moved onto nicks elite team so happy enough. Got a personal best for the stars monthly tlb point too with 4404 leaving me in 400th or so position. as we speak there is bout 5 hrs left in the race for tlb and nick still has a good hold of top spot with bout 800 points between him and bfizz11, so he should lock it down,
heres my 180 man graph for March
as you can see stumbled the latter half of the month but i'll put that to right soon enough!
For April my goals are simple 1500 minimum games ajnd i'll let the money take care of its self.
This is the first month that i will be treating poker as my job firs and formost, the last few months i've been doing stuff in the house and other things, when i was playin at night i was tired and cutting sessions short etc, and by the middle to end of week i was like a zombie. This month i'm scheduling poker work hours and going to make sure i get enough sleep after i finish my sessions, that in its self has to be +EV!!
GL everyone